
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Been Up To Stuff

I didn't mean for it to be so long since my last post. 
Its been very busy around here and I imagine it will stay
that way until after the first of the year...yes, 2012 is coming before we know it.  

Our garden gave us plenty of zucchini
so I made

zucchini bread and chocolate zucchini bread

Our plum tree was also very generous, yielding enough fruit for nine 
batches of plum jam. This is something we make every year.
I am so glad the crop was large this year.
We have many request for it and our whole family loves it, as well. 
The poor tree was so heavy laden, I couldn't bear to take a photo.

We celebrated a birthday (my hubby's).
There was family time and this is what we ate for breakfast,
not so nutritious, but very delicious!
A Pinterest find. I love Pinterest, but more about that another time.

We found time for hair cuts.
and naps,
(I know, I know this couch/fabric is soooo dated, 
we tried  to find someone to reupholster it yesterday, but no such luck)
 fun in the tub,
and play time
We even enjoyed seeing Poppy (grandpa/my hubby) in concert at the park.

 I really need to take more photos of the adults 
that belong to these children. I love them too! : )

Gigi (great grandma to the children, mom to me) with the littlest one, Kinlee

Whew, a busy last few weeks, but I did find time to sew a bit. 
A few backpacks. 
The perfect size for a cute little one.

and a new tote pattern

Now for the next few weeks.....

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Quilts for Kids

It's been a while since I've posted, shame on me. I've been busy, busy, busy. 
Today I  want to share just a tiny bit of my busyness. 
Quilts for Kids is an organization that provides a comforting quilt for ill children.  
They will provide a kit to make a quilt or you may make your own, 
using your fabrics and patterns. 
I wanted to get involved. I ordered a kit, so I would know what they were looking for. 
I was so excited, I got the quilt top done right away. 
Several months later Quilts for Kids emailed me about the kit.  
Oh No! Turns out it found its way under a stack of fabrics and I forgot all about it. 
I had wanted to send a few more quilts back along with it, 
but now I was really behind and I'm not a fast quilter. 
I quickly started  planning and making a few more to go along with it. 
One of the quilts, which I thought was a
fabulous idea (so wonderful in my head) turned out not to be. 
It's not terrible, just not how I envisioned it, so 2 steps forward and 1 step back. 
Then I remembered I had a couple quilts in the closet. 
Made them, never used them or gifted them.  
I got them out and they joined the stack nicely. 

This is the kit I was sent. It is so cute with all the trucks and I love the stripe binding. 
The binding wasn't included, but the stripe was the backing that 
was included and I squeezed out enough for the binding.

These are the three I had stacked in the closet 
just waiting for the right home.

I added a bit more quilting and zig-zagged around the 
binding per Quilts for Kids preferences.

And this last one I made just for some sweet little girl that might like butterflies.
I had a few yards of this brighter blue, and it needed butterfies.
Can you believe the salvage said Patrick Lose 2002.
I really need to get using my stash!

Here are all five waiting to be boxed up for the ride.
I was thrilled to finally get these in the mail, but not happy about how long it took me. 

If you're a quilter, check out Quilts for Kids.