
Saturday, January 14, 2012

What Next?

Well, it's about time to move on past those Christmas blog photos, don't you think?
 I was hoping to get to this space sooner, but right after 
Christmas I got a nasty cold, then we had a birthday.  
My Emili's birthday always marks the beginning of a new year.  
I try to get the Christmas decorations and house all cleaned up well before her big day.

 She arrived 27 years ago with a quietness, sweetness and gentleness about her.  
I'm so glad I get to be her mom. 

After her birthday is really when we can settle in, relax and get back to our norm. 
Actually she kicks off our birthday "season". 
We have six birthdays within the next nine weeks in our immediate family. 
Its a wonderful, but busy time.  

Are you swooning? 
Katy over at I'm a Ginger Monkey started a Swoon Quilt Along. 
I am having such a hard time resisting. There are some wonderful blocks popping up. 
I love everything about that pattern, the large block size, the simplicity,
its roundness (I love circle blocks), and
its the close cousin of the Carpenter block, which I also love.
It has vintage roots and is the almost perfect size for a bed. 
So Swoon was on my "wish to do" list for this year, 
but I feel like I should finish up a few things first. 
I don't have a long list of unfinished projects, which is a good thing because 
I am not very fast and quilts always take me a few months to make.  
None of this done in a day or two or even week for me.  
Here are the two most pressing quilts I have to finish up. 

These two quilt are out of Batiks for two
 of my daughters and they have both been very patient. 
I started these a long, long time ago. : }     
One needs to be layered and quilted the other needs borders.  
Do I dare Swoon? 

Great day to you all : )

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