
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

WIP Wednesday

Here I am with my WIP again in a effort to strike a balance 
between some old projects and the new ones calling my name. 
This week I pulled out two I Spy Quilts 
that should have done long ago.

This one is for my almost three year old grand-daughter and
this week I got to the quilting and partially attached the binding. 
I made one just about like it for my grandson, 
using the almost identical I Spy patches and blue instead of purple.

This little I Spy uses 2 inch squares surrounded by a Kona solid pink. 
I will post more about it in a few days : )  
It has been layered and basted for months, 
and just needs the quilting to begin. 

I  got a bit further on my Fandango Kaleidoscope. 
I have a finished top! Yeah for me! My goal is to layer and 
baste it this weekend. We shall see. 

I starting a few new little projects, but not quilts : (
Oh how I want to start a new one. 
Maybe if I work a little harder, get a bit more WIP finished up,
I can finally reward myself with something new.  

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
For some summer inspiration and to see what 
others are up to, head on over 
to Freshly Pieced WIP Wednesday.

What have you been working on?

- Wendi  : )


  1. Your I Spy quilts are so pretty, and the hexies are such a nice setting for the prints! Your grandkids will just love them!

  2. Your quilts are fabulous. I have always wanted to try the Kalidescope. :0)

  3. I want to make an I Spy quilt! I don't think my prints are so pretty though.... The are pretty dated...

    I love how a Kaleidoscope quilt can look so different based on how it's laid out!I had a heck of a time trying to figure out how I wanted mine to look! Yours is beautiful!
